Protecting, securing, and maintaining the appearance of your residence is critical. Whether you are looking to protect your home from natural disasters or attacks, or simply add comfort and elegance to your residence, Midwest Solar Control has cost effective solutions to fit your every need when it comes to residential window films.

Our 3M Residential Window Films offers a variety of solutions that protect, add privacy, and help you make your home a more efficient, secure environment.

Some of the 3M films we install for residencies are decorative films, safety and security films, anti-graffiti films, and sun control films.

As a dealer of 3M window filming, their undeniable expertise and use of the most advanced technologies has made them a world wide leader in the window film industry. The best interior designers and architects consistently prefer 3M window films for their projects.

Contact Us
At Midwest Solar Control we offer only the highest quality residential window films in the Chicagoland. Request a Quote to begin the process of renovating your residential space!