Skylights are “windows in the roof”, literally. They allow the owner to bring a little of the blue sky into the living space. They can also be used to let in light and improve natural visibility at daytime as well as displaying the majesty of the moon and stars at night.
Most skylights however do have some setbacks. Basically, they may let it too much heat and glare and cause a little discomfort. They might also cause leakages in rainy season, overheating in summer and heat loss in winter seasons. To counter these setbacks, skylight covers are used. The following are some of the benefits of skylight covers.

Skylight covers reduce glare and heat in your living space: Essentially, high quality skylight covers block up to 90% UV rays and solar heat. This quality helps reduce fading of carpets, furniture, curtains and other material vulnerable to UV degradation. Heat reduction in summer also gives your living space a cool and illuminated.

Reduce frost and wind chill in winter: skylight covers do reduce heat loss from skylights in winter. They also provide warmth hence minimize the skylight’s chilling effect

Easy to install: Skylight cover installation is pretty easy. It is usually done from the outside of the roof. The common mode of installation involves stretching the bungee cord around the perimeter frame of the skylight.

Its more economical compared to interior blinds or shades: Skylight covers are relatively cheap and easily affordable compared to inner shades. They are also more effective in combating leakages and facilitating efficient roof drainage. Skylights covers also block heat before it enters the living space unlike inner shades/blinds

They can be easily removed during cold seasons to let in a bit of solar warming during the day.

Reduce outward visibility: This comes in handy if you want to add a little of privacy on your skylights. Most skylight shades can block up to 80%-90% visibility from the outside.

Reduces AC heating costs: Cold skylight panes that come into contact with rising warm air in the living room cause it to cool drastically and drop, which lowers the room temperature. Use of skylight covers or shades reduces the need to increase heating temperatures that are needed to counter this setback, which in turn saves on the heating costs.