Whether it’s for your business or home, ensuring the safety of your assets and employees is a huge priority. The 3M Safety & Security window films that we provide ensure the security you need for protecting these assets, family members, or employees. Reducing the damages caused by natural disasters, robbery attempts, and other destructive acts to your windows is something that must always be considered.

Defend Yourself From Crime and Attacks:
Windows are one of the most vulnerable parts to a home or business. Typical industry standard windows are simple to smash and create an access point for a robber or any other individual causing trouble. According to Area Vibes, “the chance of being a victim of property crime (robbery, theft, etc) in Chicago is 1 in 32.” Therefore, security from property crime is very important and strengthening your windows with 3M Security Window Films can delay an attacker’s process and allows for more time to contact law enforcement.

Protection From Natural Disasters:
Although preventing natural disasters (tornadoes, floods, lightning damage, etc.) from happening is uncontrollable, having the best protection for your windows is something you can control. High-winds and severe weather can easily cause windows to implode and cause major property damage. Protect your office building or home by installing 3M Safety and Security Films to keep broken glass in place and ultimately keep your property as safe as possible.

Contact Us: In need of safety & security film for you windows? At Midwest Solar Control we provide window solutions for your home or business. Feel free to reach out to us on our Contact Page. We look forward to hearing from you!